Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New blog. New direction.

Tap tap tap... is this thing on?

I've decided to take a new direction with my work, and my Etsy store. I've been focused on the art making part of felting- the actual creating, the materials, and the ideas. However, I'm also a "shop" owner, and have embarked on this blog as a function of that. The web is a vast place, and I need to carve out my own space. So, welcome. It's my desire to talk feltmaking with you, art making, and meaning making. I'm interested in ideas expressed visually, in living an artful and meaningful life.

Several years ago, my husband and I moved our family from the city to a country property. We have three small children and wanted a more agrarian life for them. Our new home has meadows, groves of dark pines, nature, flowers, gardens, chickens, ducks, rabbits... and it has changed me. I'm passionate about sustainable living, about social justice and food equity. I believe in farming, in touching the dirt. Making felt embodies those things for me. The wool, the sheep, the smell of the materials and the feel of it in the hand inspire me. I make felt because it makes sense.  I love wool for what it's not- pesticide laden, manufactured, synthetic. Do you share these feelings? If you do, grab a mug. Stay awhile. Thanks for being.

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